1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
| /** * 验证如下信息: * 每条消息与其CRC是否匹配 * 每条消息的字节数是否匹配 * 传⼊记录批的序列号与现有状态以及彼此之间是否⼀致。 * 同时计算如下值: * 消息批中第⼀个偏移量 * 消息批中最后⼀个偏移量 * 消息个数 * 正确字节的个数 * 偏移量是否单调递增 * 是否使⽤了压缩编码解码器(如果使⽤了压缩编解码器,则给出最后⼀个) */ val appendInfo = analyzeAndValidateRecords(records, isFromClient = isFromClient) // 如果没有消息需要追加或该消息集合与上⼀个消息集合重复,则返回 if (appendInfo.shallowCount == 0) return appendInfo // 在向磁盘⽇志追加之前剔除不正确的字节或剔除不完整的消息 var validRecords = trimInvalidBytes(records, appendInfo) // 消息集合剩余的正确部分,插⼊到⽇志中 lock synchronized { // 检查⽇志的MMap是否关闭了,如果关闭⽆法进⾏写操作,抛异常 checkIfMemoryMappedBufferClosed() if (assignOffsets) { // 如果需要给消息添加偏移量 val offset = new LongRef(nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset) appendInfo.firstOffset = offset.value val now = time.milliseconds val validateAndOffsetAssignResult = try { // 校验消息和赋值给消息的偏移量是否正确⽆误 LogValidator.validateMessagesAndAssignOffsets(validRecords, offset, time, now, appendInfo.sourceCodec, appendInfo.targetCodec, config.compact, config.messageFormatVersion.messageFormatVersion.value, config.messageTimestampType, config.messageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs, leaderEpoch, isFromClient) } catch { case e: IOException => throw new KafkaException("Error in validating messages while appending to log '%s'".format(name), e) } // 正确的消息集合,此时处于内存中 validRecords = validateAndOffsetAssignResult.validatedRecords // 要追加消息的最⼤时间戳 appendInfo.maxTimestamp = validateAndOffsetAssignResult.maxTimestamp // 要追加的消息的最⼤时间戳对应的偏移量 appendInfo.offsetOfMaxTimestamp = validateAndOffsetAssignResult.shallowOffsetOfMaxTimestamp // 最后⼀个偏移量是偏移量的值-1 appendInfo.lastOffset = offset.value - 1 appendInfo.recordsProcessingStats = validateAndOffsetAssignResult.recordsProcessingStats if (config.messageTimestampType == TimestampType.LOG_APPEND_TIME) // 如果消息时间戳的类型是⽇志追加的时间,则需要赋值当前系统时间 appendInfo.logAppendTime = now // 需要重新验证消息的⼤⼩,以防消息发⽣改变,如重新压缩或者转换了消息格式 if (validateAndOffsetAssignResult.messageSizeMaybeChanged) { for (batch <- validRecords.batches.asScala) { // 如果消息集合的字节数⼤于配置的消息最⼤字节数,抛异常 if (batch.sizeInBytes > config.maxMessageSize) { // we record the original message set size instead of the trimmed size // to be consistent with pre-compression bytesRejectedRate recording brokerTopicStats.topicStats(topicPartition.topic).bytesRejectedRate.mark(records.sizeInBytes) brokerTopicStats.allTopicsStats.bytesRejectedRate.mark(records.sizeInBytes) throw new RecordTooLargeException("Message batch size is %d bytes which exceeds the maximum configured size of %d." .format(batch.sizeInBytes, config.maxMessageSize)) } } } else { // 如果不需要分配消息偏移量,则使⽤给定的消息偏移量 if (!appendInfo.offsetsMonotonic) // 如果偏移量不是单调递增的,抛异常 throw new OffsetsOutOfOrderException(s"Out of order offsets found in append to $topicPartition: " + records.records.asScala.map(_.offset)) // 如果消息批的第⼀个偏移量⼩于分区leader⽇志中下⼀条记录的偏移量,抛异常。 if (appendInfo.firstOffset < nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset) { // we may still be able to recover if the log is empty // one example: fetching from log start offset on the leader which is not batch aligned, // which may happen as a result of AdminClient#deleteRecords() // appendInfo.firstOffset maybe either first offset or last offset of the first batch. // get the actual first offset, which may require decompressing the data val firstOffset = records.batches.asScala.head.baseOffset() throw new UnexpectedAppendOffsetException(s"Unexpected offset in append to $topicPartition. First offset or last offset of the first batch " + s"${appendInfo.firstOffset} is less than the next offset ${nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset}. " + s"First 10 offsets in append: ${records.records.asScala.take(10).map(_.offset)}, last offset in" + s" append: ${appendInfo.lastOffset}. Log start offset = $logStartOffset", firstOffset, appendInfo.lastOffset) } } // 使⽤leader给消息赋值的epoch值更新缓存的epoch值。 validRecords.batches.asScala.foreach { batch => if (batch.magic >= RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V2) // 需要在epoch中记录leader的epoch值和消息集合的起始偏移量 leaderEpochCache.assign(batch.partitionLeaderEpoch, batch.baseOffset) } // 检查消息批的字节⼤⼩是否⼤于⽇志分段的最⼤值,如果是,则抛异常 if (validRecords.sizeInBytes > config.segmentSize) { throw new RecordBatchTooLargeException("Message batch size is %d bytes which exceeds the maximum configured segment size of %d.".format(validRecords.sizeInBytes, config.segmentSize)) } // 消息批的消息都正确,偏移量也都赋值了,时间戳也更新了 // 此时需要验证⽣产者的幂等性/事务状态,并收集⼀些元数据 val (updatedProducers, completedTxns, maybeDuplicate) = analyzeAndValidateProducerState(validRecords, isFromClient) // 如果是重复的消息批,则直接返回被重复的消息批的appendInfo maybeDuplicate.foreach { duplicate => appendInfo.firstOffset = duplicate.firstOffset appendInfo.lastOffset = duplicate.lastOffset appendInfo.logAppendTime = duplicate.timestamp appendInfo.logStartOffset = logStartOffset return appendInfo } // 如果当前⽇志分段写满了,则滚动⽇志分段 val segment = maybeRoll(messagesSize = validRecords.sizeInBytes, maxTimestampInMessages = appendInfo.maxTimestamp, maxOffsetInMessages = appendInfo.lastOffset) val logOffsetMetadata = LogOffsetMetadata(messageOffset = appendInfo.firstOffset, segmentBaseOffset = segment.baseOffset, relativePositionInSegment = segment.size) // ⽇志⽚段中追加消息 segment.append(firstOffset = appendInfo.firstOffset, largestOffset = appendInfo.lastOffset, largestTimestamp = appendInfo.maxTimestamp, shallowOffsetOfMaxTimestamp = appendInfo.offsetOfMaxTimestamp, records = validRecords) // 更新⽣产者状态 for ((producerId, producerAppendInfo) <- updatedProducers) { producerAppendInfo.maybeCacheTxnFirstOffsetMetadata(logOffsetMetadata) producerStateManager.update(producerAppendInfo) } // update the transaction index with the true last stable offset. The last offset visible // to consumers using READ_COMMITTED will be limited by this value and the high watermark. for (completedTxn <- completedTxns) { val lastStableOffset = producerStateManager.completeTxn(completedTxn) segment.updateTxnIndex(completedTxn, lastStableOffset) } // always update the last producer id map offset so that the snapshot reflects the current offset // even if there isn't any idempotent data being written producerStateManager.updateMapEndOffset(appendInfo.lastOffset + 1) // leader的LEO+1 updateLogEndOffset(appendInfo.lastOffset + 1) // update the first unstable offset (which is used to compute LSO) updateFirstUnstableOffset() trace(s"Appended message set to log with last offset ${appendInfo.lastOffset} " + s"first offset: ${appendInfo.firstOffset}, " + s"next offset: ${nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset}, " + s"and messages: $validRecords") // 如果未刷盘的消息个数⼤于配置的消息个数,刷盘 if (unflushedMessages >= config.flushInterval) // 刷盘 flush() appendInfo } } }